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Wicker fruit basket


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The solution to the borer in the wicker fruit basket

2020-05-20 12:35:30


The editor of the Wicker Fruit Basket wants to tell you that although the Wicker Fruit Basket is beautiful, sometimes it will cause the formation of borers because of the climate. So what should be done when this happens? The following is a detailed introduction to the solution of the wicker fruit basket moth:

1. Use cotton old cloth dipped in kerosene apply it to the place the worms have passed, because kerosene has a strong penetration, then use boiling water to scald, so that after one two times, it can basically kill the worms; The chair must be dried in a ventilated place before use, so as to sit down.

   2. Put the salt in the hole the worms fell, then use boiling water to scald it. After scalding, it should be thoroughly dried before use.

3. Use insecticide, the effect of insecticide light spray is great, use a syringe to inject into the wicker chair through the hole left by the borer, then use boiling water to heat it, put it in the sun dry it in the sun cool it in a ventilated place. .

   4. Spreading lime powder into the insect's eyes is also quite effective. Everyone can try it if they don't.

  The above is the solution to the wicker fruit basket borer. Friends in need can refer to the method in the article. As long as the method is used properly, I believe it can effectively solve the problem of the borer.