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Wicker fruit basket


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Dezhou Bairun Household Co., Ltd.




Address:Sandang Private Industrial Park, Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province

Wicker processing method before weaving handicrafts

2020-05-20 12:36:22


The editor of the wicker factory wants to tell you that wicker is a necessary material for the preparation of wicker crafts, but generally when we just cut the wicker, it is often soft tough enough to be compiled. Then, we will prepare the wicker crafts Before, how can we handle the wicker?

   1. The wicker just cut off the excess leaves

  2, then dry for 2 days

   3. Soak in water for 1 day to fully absorb moisture

   4. After a high degree of dehydration water absorption, the toughness of the wicker reaches a good state. At this time, the wicker taken out of the water can be directly prepared.

  Before the preparation of wicker handicrafts, the treatment methods described in the article can be used to effectively solve the problem of too soft wicker insufficient toughness. As long as it is handled properly, I believe that this problem can be solved very well!